Shakespeare Theatre, Liverpool

An effective Colt smoke clearance system installed at this unique theatre in Liverpool.

The Colt team was approached by Bodd Group to design and install a smoke clearance system at the new Shakespeare Theatre in Liverpool. The extraordinary oak-framed theatre will have capacity for between 320 and 472 seats and is based on the iconic 17th century “cockpit-in-court” design popular in Shakespeare’s heyday.

The system we designed for this unique space consisted of a series of automatic opening vents, smoke dampers and smoke extraction fans, all with the aim of removing smoke from the building and keeping escape routes clear in the event of a fire – this would allow anyone inside of the building to escape quickly and reduce their exposure to the toxic fumes and harmful particles in smoke. The system will also help to ensure that firefighters can safely enter the theatre and discover the seat of the fire quickly, enabling them to put it out faster.

Seefire vents were installed on the attic ceiling of the theatre, allowing smoke to be extracted through the top of the building. Certified according to EN 12101-2, Seefire is a natural smoke and heat extract ventilator. It has been tested for permanent fall-through protection and has been classified according to EN 1873 as as is proved by this project, can be adapted to all kinds of buildings as the result of its wide range of product variants. The ventilator can also allow the entry of natural daylight.

To activate and manage the system, our OPV control panels and sensors were fitted throughout the building; the system will automatically be triggered if smoke is detected, but can also be manually switched on to extract smoke if needed. Any faults with the system or maintenance requirements will also be highlighted on the control panel interface, making for easy ongoing maintenance.

  • Project:
    • Shakespeare Theatre
  • Location:
    • Liverpool
  • Client:
    • Dodd Group
  • M&E Consultant:
    • Aecom
  • Architect:
    • Austin Smith Lord
  • Main Contractor:
    • Kier Construction
  • M&E Contractor:
    • Bodd Group
  • Colt products: