Remote system monitoring from Colt: Save time and money

Wish you only had to pay for smoke control servicing when your system needed it?

With Colt’s new remote monitoring system that can be the reality. SmartServ Pro is an asset monitoring solution that remotely monitors the performance of the smoke control systems installed in your building and automatically alerts both you and Colt if there is a problem that needs attention.

In most cases, faults can be fixed remotely, reducing the time it takes for your system to be back in full working order, whilst also reducing call-out charges.

Ready to start saving time and money?

The benefits of remote monitoring:

Are you Golden Thread Ready?

When it was published in May 2018, Dame Judith Hackitt’s Building a Safer Future report highlighted the urgent need to change attitudes and behaviours towards building safety within the construction industry. It was clear that the sector needed to adopt new ways of working if it was to ensure that the tragedy of Grenfell Tower was never repeated and that residents in higher risk buildings were safe, and could feel safe, in their homes.

One of the key recommendations of the report was that a ‘golden thread’ of digital information should be introduced to industry to address problems with key information not being effectively stored, managed, and available throughout the life cycle of a building. This golden thread would better enable the right people to make the best possible decisions at the right times to design, construct and operate their buildings more safely and effectively.

The government have committed to implementing these golden thread recommendations, which will apply to all buildings within scope of the new building safety regime through clauses 32 (section 1D), 88, 89 and 90 of the new Building Safety Bill. These clauses put a legal duty on Dutyholders and Accountable Persons to create, obtain, store and share information about their building in a prescribed format. This ensures that information is maintained, even through changes in delivery teams or building ownership.

SmartServ Pro can help you stay compliant by providing an easy, digital way to store system information and manage repairs all from the same portal.

Learn more about all the benefits of remote monitoring.

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