Are your smoke control systems properly installed and maintained?
If you're not sure, we can help
How properly working smoke control systems help save lives and buildings:
- By venting smoke from the building, the occupants can see the fire exits more easily, making escape routes more effective.
- By venting smoke form the building, fire fighters have an easier job of locating the fire early on and extinguishing it, thereby containing and eliminating it faster.
- By venting heat from the building the number of sprinkler heads that operate are focused directly over the fire rather than over a wide expanse – reserving the precious water supply for the sprinklers directly above the fire.
- By venting heat from the building, the high level temperatures are reduced – retaining the structural integrity of the steelwork for longer, potentially avoiding complete building collapse.
Maintaining smoke control systems – your legal obligations
Smoke control equipment is considered life-safety equipment and it is recommended that systems be serviced annually.