Colt smoke control system types

During a fire, a well-designed smoke control system is crucial for saving lives and protecting property.

Why do we need smoke control systems?

Smoke ventilation systems are life safety systems that keep tenants and buildings safe in different ways:

  1. Remove smoke from the building to ensure smoke-free escape and access routes.
  2. Facilitate effective firefighting operations.
  3. Help delay or prevent flashover, minimising the fire's escalation.
  4. Safeguard the contents of the building.
  5. Reduce the potential for structural damage.

Types of smoke control systems:

Depending on the building type and requirements, you can use different systems for smoke extraction or containment. The most cost-effective and popular option is to install natural smoke ventilation. If necessary, incorporate powered fans as well.

Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation Systems (SHEVS):

These systems, whether powered or natural, effectively extract smoke from the building. They often incorporate inlet ventilators, dampers, and ductwork.

Smoke Containment Systems:

These systems stop smoke and heat from spreading, reducing the risk of harm for people in a building during a fire. They can be physical barriers like smoke curtains or fire curtains, or pressure differential systems (pressurization systems).

Car Park Ventilation Systems:

Designed and installed in underground car parks, these systems utilise induction (jet) fans to remove smoke. They are often used in conjunction with fume ventilation systems to stop vehicle exhaust gases from building up. Louvres, dampers, and smoke extraction fans are commonly included in these systems.

Using a suitable smoke ventilation system can reduce the dangers of fires, ensuring people's safety and minimising harm.

AXS140 Colt automatic opening vent

AOV Systems from Colt

Automatic opening vents (AOVs) are smoke vents that will open and close automatically when triggered by a central control panel. Smoke detectors open when they detect smoke, either directly or through a smoke detection system.

SHEV System from Colt

Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems (SHEVS)

Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems, also known as "SHEVS" are natural or powered systems that remove smoke from a building. The scheme often integrates inlet ventilators, dampers, and ductwork.

Colt fire curtain

Smoke containment systems

These prevent the movement of smoke and heat from one area to another. They can be physical barriers like smoke curtains or fire curtains, or pressure differential systems called pressurization systems.

Induction smoke control unit

Car park ventilation systems

Enclosed or underground car parks normally require ventilation systems to assist firefighting operations. These systems generally also prevent the build-up of carbon monoxide during normal day to day use of the car park.

Shaft ventilation system unit on a roof

Shaft ventilation

Smoke shaft systems can help firefighters by ventilating fire-fighting lobbies and common corridors in tall residential buildings.

Pressurisation System Unit


Pressurization systems prevent smoke from entering escape routes and firefighting shafts. They achieve this by maintaining a higher pressure inside the escape route compared to the surrounding areas.