The Law requires smoke control system checks every week.

Colt can help.

Carrying out weekly operational tests on your smoke control system is a requirement of the RRO (Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005). If you have been neglecting this duty, you are breaking the law and risking the safety of your building’s tenants. Colt can save you time and keep your buildings compliant with recurring weekly testing visits.

Many building owners and operators don’t realise or have no time to carry out the weekly operational checks required by law under the RRO. Even the best designed and most efficient systems deteriorate over time and need regular testing to ensure they operate as specified when required.

Colt can help you stay compliant with recurring weekly visits to your building from our highly trained engineers. Their expertise and experience can save you time and money, as well as ensuring a compliant system. Plus, with nationwide coverage, we can get to you anywhere you are.